⛵ SailKit

Create responsive email templates in your SvelteKit applications with ease.

SailKit is still in its early stages. Expect breaking changes, bugs, and rough edges.


SailKit is an open-source toolkit for composing responsive email templates in SvelteKit applications. It provides a set of Svelte 5 primitives and utilities to help you create optimized and responsive production-ready emails.

Why SailKit?

Email is notoriously challenging. crafting responsive, visually consistent emails across various email clients and devices is not a trivial task. SailKit simplifies this process by:

  • Offering a clean and intuitive API for composing, rendering, and previewing email templates.
  • Providing Svelte 5 primitives that feel natural and ergonomic to use.
  • Translating your Svelte components into optimized MJML markup under the hood.
  • Leveraging MJML’s industry-standard email rendering engine to generate high-quality, responsive HTML that adheres to best practices.


MJML is an industry standard for composing email templates. It provides a robust foundation that handles the complexities of email client compatibility. Rather than reinventing the wheel, SailKit leverages MJML’s proven engine while providing a modern, Svelte-based developer experience.


  • 🎯 Type-Safe: Full TypeScript support
  • 📱 Responsive by Default: Powered by MJML’s engine
  • Great DX: Svelte primitives for composing templates
  • 🛠️ Simple API: Intuitive methods for rendering and previewing
  • 📦 Production-Ready: Outputs highly optimized responsive HTML


We welcome contributions! Whether it’s bug reports, feature requests, or code contributions, feel free to engage with the project on GitHub.


SailKit is open-source and available under the MIT License. Use it freely in your projects!