
A container component for social network links and icons. Manages the layout and styling of social media elements, which are added using the Social.Element nested component.

<Social mode="vertical" align="left" iconSize="30px">
  <Social.Element name="linkedin" href="">
    Connect on LinkedIn
  <Social.Element name="github" href="">
    Follow on GitHub
alignleft|right|centercenter-Horizontal alignment of social elements
borderRadiusstring3pxpxBorder radius for social elements
classstring--CSS class name(s) for custom styling*
colorstring#333333CSS color valueText color for social elements
containerBackgroundColorstring-CSS color valueBackground color of the container
fontFamilystringUbuntu, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif-Font family for text
fontSizestring13pxpxFont size for text
fontStylenormal|italic|obliquenormal-Font style for text
fontWeightnumber|normal|boldnormal-Font weight for text
iconHeightstring-pxFixed height for social icons
iconPaddingstring0pxpxPadding around icons
iconSizestring20pxpxSize of social icons
innerPaddingstring4pxpxInner padding for social elements
lineHeightstring22pxpxLine height for text
modehorizontal|verticalhorizontal-Layout direction
paddingstring10px 25pxpxPadding around the container
paddingBottomstring-pxBottom padding
paddingLeftstring-pxLeft padding
paddingRightstring-pxRight padding
paddingTopstring-pxTop padding
textDecorationunderline|overline|nonenone-Text decoration style
textPaddingstring4px 4px 4px 0pxPadding around text

* CSS class name(s) that correspond to styles defined in the Head component's styles prop.


An individual social network link and icon element. Must be used within a Social component.

  Follow us
alignleft|right|centercenter-Horizontal alignment
altstring--Alternative text for the icon
backgroundColorstring-CSS color valueBackground color for the element
borderRadiusstring3pxpxBorder radius
classstring--CSS class name(s) for custom styling*
colorstring#333333CSS color valueText color
fontFamilystringUbuntu, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif-Font family
fontSizestring13pxpx/emFont size
fontStylenormal|italic|obliquenormal-Font style
fontWeightnumber|normal|boldnormal-Font weight
hrefstring-URLURL for the social link
iconHeightstring-pxFixed height for the icon
iconPositionleft|right--Position of icon relative to text
iconSizestring20pxpxSize of the icon
lineHeightstring22pxpxLine height
nameSocialNetwork--Name of the social network (required)
paddingstring4pxpxPadding around the element
paddingBottomstring-pxBottom padding
paddingLeftstring-pxLeft padding
paddingRightstring-pxRight padding
paddingTopstring-pxTop padding
relstring--Relationship attribute for the link
srcstring-URLCustom icon source URL
srcsetstring--Srcset attribute for responsive images
targetstring_blank-Target attribute for the link
textDecorationunderline|overline|nonenone-Text decoration style
titlestring--Title attribute for the link
verticalAligntop|middle|bottommiddle-Vertical alignment

* CSS class name(s) that correspond to styles defined in the Head component's styles prop.

Supported social networks include: facebook, twitter, x, google, pinterest, linkedin, tumblr, xing, github, instagram, web, snapchat, youtube, vimeo, medium, soundcloud, dribbble