
A component for creating HTML tables. Provides consistent table rendering across email clients while supporting standard table attributes and styling options.

  cellPadding="10px 25px"
      <th>Header 1</th>
      <th>Header 2</th>
      <td>Value 1</td>
      <td>Value 2</td>
alignleft|right|centerleft-Horizontal alignment of the table
borderstringnoneCSS border valueBorder style for the table
cellPaddingstring-pxCell padding for all table cells
cellSpacingstring-pxCell spacing between table cells
classstring--CSS class name(s) for custom styling*
colorstring#000000CSS color valueText color within the table
containerBackgroundColorstring-CSS color valueBackground color of table container
fontFamilystringUbuntu, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif-Font family for table text
fontSizestring13pxpxFont size for table text
lineHeightstring22pxpx/%Line height for table text
paddingstring10px 25pxpxPadding around the table
paddingBottomstring-pxBottom padding
paddingLeftstring-pxLeft padding
paddingRightstring-pxRight padding
paddingTopstring-pxTop padding
rolenone|presentation--ARIA role for the table
tableLayoutauto|fixed|initial|inheritauto-CSS table-layout property
widthstring100%px/%Width of the table

* CSS class name(s) that correspond to styles defined in the Head component's styles prop.

The Table component is a wrapper for HTML table elements. The actual table structure should be created using standard HTML table elements within the component.