SailKit provides a theming system that allows you to create consistent styling across your email templates and declutter your markup. The theming API lets you define reusable configurations for fonts, breakpoints, and styles that can be shared across your templates and overridden as needed.
Creating a Theme
Use the createTheme
utility to define a type-safe theme:
import { createTheme } from 'sailkit';
export const myTheme = createTheme({
// Custom fonts configuration
fonts: [
name: 'Roboto',
href: ''
// Responsive breakpoint
breakpoint: '480px',
// Style configurations
styles: {
// Global styles applied to all components
global: 'font-family="Roboto, sans-serif" color="#333333"',
// Component-specific styles
components: {
text: 'line-height="1.5"',
button: 'background-color="#007bff" color="#ffffff"',
section: 'padding="20px"'
// Custom CSS rules
custom: [
inline: true,
css: '.brand-header { font-size: 24px; }'
Theme Options
A theme can include the following configurations:
Array of custom fonts to be included in the email:
fonts: [
name: 'Roboto',
href: ''
name: 'Open Sans',
href: ''
The width at which mobile layout triggers (in pixels):
breakpoint: '480px';
The styles configuration consists of three parts:
- Global Styles: Applied to all components
styles: {
global: 'font-family="Arial, sans-serif" color="#333333"';
- Component Styles: Applied to specific SailKit components
styles: {
components: {
text: 'color="#333333" line-height="1.5"',
button: 'background-color="#007bff"',
section: 'padding="20px"',
container: 'background-color="#f5f5f5"'
- Custom Styles: Array of custom CSS rules
styles: {
custom: [
// Regular CSS (not inlined)
'.custom-class { color: #333333; }',
// Inlined CSS
inline: true,
css: '.header { padding: 20px; }'
Using Themes
Apply a theme to your email template using the theme
prop on the Head
import { myTheme } from '$lib/mail/myTheme';
subject="Welcome Email"
preview="Check out our latest updates"
Overriding Theme Properties
You can override specific theme properties by providing individual props to the Head
subject="Welcome Email"
// Override theme fonts
name: 'Lato',
href: ''
// Override and extend theme styles
global: 'font-family="Lato, sans-serif"', // Override global font
components: {
button: 'background-color="#ff0000"', // Override button color
container: 'padding="40px"' // Add new component style
custom: [
// Add additional custom CSS rules
'.special-section { background-color: #f0f0f0; }'
Theme Merging Behavior
When using a theme with individual props, SailKit follows these merging rules:
- Fonts: Individual fonts override theme fonts
- Breakpoint: Individual breakpoint overrides theme breakpoint
- Global Styles: Individual global styles override theme global styles
- Component Styles: Individual component styles are merged with theme styles, with individual styles taking precedence
- Custom Styles: Custom styles from both theme and individual props are concatenated in order (theme styles first, then individual styles)