
Start by installing SailKit and MJML in your SvelteKit application using your preferred package manager:

npm install sailkit mjml

Import the necessary components from SailKit and declare props:

<script lang="ts">
  import { Html, Body, Section, Column, Text } from 'sailkit';

  interface Props {
    text: string;

  let { text = 'Hello from SailKit! 👋' }: Props = $props();

Then, create your Svelte email template:


Finally, render or preview your email from anywhere in your application:

import MyEmail from './MyEmail.svelte';
import { renderEmail, previewEmail } from 'sailkit';

const { html, plainText } = await renderEmail(MyEmail, {
  text: 'Hello World!'

// Or, if you want to preview the email in your browser
await previewEmail(MyEmail, { text: 'Hello World!' });